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Answers to your questions from our virtual briefing

At our virtual briefing in September we invited attendees to submit questions to the project team. A full list of responses to those questions is provided below, touching on a range of themes including schools, traffic, and leisure facilities.

All questions and comments submitted during the virtual briefing have been captured and logged as part of the engagement process and we would like to thank everyone who attended.

We will also shortly be posting a wider set of FAQs to cover a number of issues raised during the series of engagement events.

There is still time to get involved in our engagement. Whether it is submitting a comment on our interactive map or completing our survey, we want to hear from you. The deadline for providing feedback is 14 October 2024.

Virtual briefing Q&A

Q: We've done the numbers on the two primary schools and secondary school capacity compared to the estimated children that will be moving to the area and have found that there will still be an excess of 3000 children needing school spaces. Where are these children going to go?

A: In allocating the South East Warrington site for development, Warrington Borough Council, as Local Education Authority (LEA) with responsibility for planning for school places, has considered the need for new places to support new development. Within the Local Plan policy, the Council has stipulated that two new 2-form entry primary schools (each capable of further expansion) and a new 4-form secondary school will need to be provided within the South East Warrington Urban Extension.

The Development Framework set the plans for where and when new schools need to be open, ensuring that the needs of the allocation are properly planned for and can be met over time. Specifically, it will establish the optimal timing of when land for new schools and creation of new school places will be needed (linked to the phasing of the development).  A site-specific Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) will then be prepared for inclusion within the Development Framework, confirming the delivery strategy for education provision at all levels.

Q: Isn't there an existing gas pipeline that runs between the two Orchard Meadow estates. How can you build close to this gas pipeline, in regards to the local centre?

A: Yes, this is correct. We have a copy of Essar Oil UK’s standard conditions for working and developing in close proximity to gas pipelines.  Development proposals will adhere to those conditions.  The Health and Safety Executive also have standing advice about what can and can’t be built near to pipelines, which we will comply with.

Q: Can a dentist be including in the Appleton Cross Local Centre?

A: We are currently considering what additional facilities can be provided at the Appleton Cross Local Centre in addition to the new health centre. We are asking the community to provide feedback on what they would like to see and following this engagement period. You can add your ideas on our website. Homes England will then review this feedback and pass this on to prospective developer partners of the site for further consideration.

Q: Can mandatory school bus service be included throughout the new development?

A: As an overall principle, we want to design the South East Warrington Development Framework in such a way that we maximise opportunities for travelling to school on foot, on bike and by public transport, rather than there being reliance on use of the private car.   

However, we are not yet at a stage whereby the precise location of the schools is agreed or indeed what transport measures those schools would be mandated to provide by the Local Education Authority (LEA). Notwithstanding, as the plans progress, we will be engaging with relevant organisations, including the LEA, to discuss this further.

Q: You say this was in the Local Plan which was signed off in December 2023. I received no communication of this development, no clear transparency as to what was going on. Don't you think before putting this forward, the local community should have at least been consulted about this?

A: Warrington Borough Council were responsible for consultations on their statutory Local Plan, and previously undertook their own consultation and held events in the lead up to the Local Plan being adopted. You can find out more about the process that the Council undertook in the preparation of their Local Plan on their website. The South East Warrington site has now been allocated for development in the Local Plan.  

As the majority landowner, Homes England is now preparing a Development Framework, setting out how the requirements of the Local Plan can be delivered. Homes England is engaging with the community to understand aspirations for the area as part of work on the Development Framework.

Q: It has been mentioned about concerns over road congestion and the pinch points of crossing the canals. You were quite vague and haven't said how you will prevent any severe impact. Can you give any examples under consideration?

A: Planning policy seeks to prevent planning permission being granted for any development that has severe impact on the existing road network.  

We are currently undertaking work to understand existing and projected future traffic flows, and to explore how to minimise the impact of the development on the existing road network in South Warrington, including canal crossings. The Council has already set out in the Local Plan and supporting documents the key junctions and routes that are likely to require improvements; we will be testing and confirming the interventions to be delivered. These interventions will look to improve vehicular capacity as well as enhancing walking, cycling and public transport access.

As an overall principle, we want to design the Development Framework in such a way that we maximise opportunities for trips to be made on foot, by bike or other non-motorised means and by public transport, rather than there being reliance on use of the private car.   This is key to reducing traffic movements arising from the development.

We are at an early stage in the planning process. The detail is not available yet, but we will provide further information on our website and at future engagement events in due course.

Q: Lyons Lane is virtually the main conduit to exit the current site when 4200 more need access what is the plan to eliminate that congestion?

A: Lyons Lane as it meets the A49 is specifically mentioned in the Warrington Local Plan as a junction that may need improving and we are considering what that may entail.   

Lyons Lane is only one of several roads serving the site as a whole.

The site’s Development Framework will be designed in such a way to not only minimise the number of vehicular traffic movements arising from new development but provide multiple ways in which access to, from and within the South East Warrington development can be achieved.

Q: Can you provide a more detailed map, e.g. an outline in Google maps with the opportunity to zoom in in more detail to specific areas?

A: This is available by visiting our interactive map. You can view the South East Warrington allocation boundary (shown as a red line) and the surrounding area, as well as leaving comments for us on a range of themes.

Q: What does minimum 4 form entry mean for the secondary school? Does it mean 4 classes?

A: Yes. Minimum 4 form entry means that the school will provide a minimum of four classes per academic year group.

Q: Will there be any additional retirement complexes such as flats with communal facilities?

A: The South East Warrington Urban Extension will provide a wide range of housing types and tenures. The Development Framework will consider suitable locations for supported accommodation. We are inviting people to let us know now what types of homes they would like to see on the site by completing our survey.

Q: Could there be a replacement swimming pool for Brookfields?

A: The Local Plan policy requires a new leisure hub to be provided within the South East Warrington site. The exact nature of the leisure facilities to be provided has not yet been determined but we would encourage you to complete our survey and let us know what you would like to see.

We encourage you to speak to Warrington Borough Council with any queries regarding Broomfields Leisure Centre.

Q: Have the project team considered the local area? Have they visited the area during those peak times and monitored how 4,200 homes will impact our infrastructure?

A: Yes, the project team has considered and visited the local area, and we will continue to assess potential impacts and what mitigation measures may be required to accommodate new development (for example associated with highways, drainage, energy supply and schools). The Development Framework will set out the details of these proposed measures. We encourage you to share your thoughts on new infrastructure required on our website.

Q: Could the Stockton Heath refuse tip be moved to a larger facility, say in Appleton Thon industrial estate?

A: Local Plan policy stipulates that a new household recycling centre should be provided within the South East Warrington allocation. Homes England understands that this is intended to be a replacement for the existing facility in Stockton Heath.

No existing refuse tip sites, nor Appleton Thorn industrial areas, are under Homes England control.

Posted on 8th October 2024

by Homes England

Over 400 residents attend South East Warrington drop-in events

Last week marked the conclusion of our series of in-person drop-in events for South East Warrington, which saw us welcome over 400 local residents at events in Grappenhall, Appleton, and Stretton.

Conversations with the community covered a wide range of issues, including investment in the local road network, timing and delivery of infrastructure, and the future of the Appleton Cross Local Centre.

The events also allowed us to secure hundreds of pieces of feedback from those who attended, and we are very much appreciative to all of those who got involved. This feedback will be important in shaping the Development Framework and continue our progress with the Appleton Cross Local Centre.

There is still time to get involved!

If you were not able to attend the drop-in events, you can still get involved in our engagement exercise. At 6pm on Thursday 26th September we will be hosting a virtual briefing, providing information on what South East Warrington can deliver and giving you the chance to post questions for the project team.

You can register to attend the virtual briefing by visiting the link,

You can also get involved by submitting comments and feedback via our website. This can be done by leaving a comment on our interactive map, completing our survey, or answering one of the questions on our website tiles.

We are asking everyone to please ensure that they provide feedback before the deadline of Monday 14th October.

Posted on 24th September 2024

by Homes England

Update on our first South East Warrington drop-in event

We were delighted to welcome over 120 local residents to the first of our drop-in events about South East Warrington and the Appleton Cross Local Centre, held yesterday at Grappenhall Community Centre. 

We received a large amount of feedback from people on a range of issues including transport and travel, infrastructure, and green spaces and we would like to extend our thanks to everyone who was able to join us. The feedback we receive at these events is hugely valuable in helping us to shape the Development Framework and progress with the Appleton Cross Local Centre.

If you were not able to attend the first event, then we would love to see you at one of our forthcoming drop-in sessions. Details for these are provided below:

  • In-person drop-in event
    Saturday 14 September, 10am - 3pm
     Appleton Parish Hall, Dudlow Green Road, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 5EQ
  • In-person drop-in event 
    Friday 20 September, 11am - 5pm
     St Matthews Church Hall, Stretton Road, Stretton,  Warrington, WA4 4NT

You can also register to attend our virtual briefing at 6pm on Thursday 26 September by visiting the link,

Posted on 12th September 2024

by Homes England

Have your say

Homes England has now launched an engagement exercise for the South East Warrington Urban Extension and Appleton Cross Local Centre. We want to understand your thoughts on what you want to see in South East Warrington.

You can get involved by visiting our engagement hub, leaving a comment on our interactive map, completing our feedback form, or attending one of our upcoming events in September.

This initial engagement period will conclude on 14 October 2024 so please make sure to get involved and provide your feedback before then.

Posted on 27th August 2024

by Homes England